Posts Tagged ‘Ed O’Brien’

Radiohead + Studio = New Album!

Sources over at confirm that Radiohead will start working on a new album this coming winter! Despite earlier rumours that the band would not be releasing official albums Ed O’Brien has indicated that this is not accurate, they have not abandoned the album format (insert sigh of relief here!).

In actual fact they really like the ‘physicality’ of albums.  I have to agree with Ed on that.  The combination of art and the composition of songs that make up an album are definitely something I can appreciate.  I still buy music online but I’d rather get my hands on it.  I’m excited to discover where their winter in the country will take their music!

If the band is out there reading this… my offer of a home cooked meal and baked goodies when you’re in town stands.

Arcade Fire and Radiohead hanging out??

I think a few of my braincells just spontaneously combusted.  Colin Greenwood shares this little tidbit with the Montreal Gazette about Radiohead’s last trip to Montreal (2006):

“Arcade Fire came to see us,” he said. “It was really fun. They took us up to their part of town (Mile End), where they live. We had bagels and coffee on the church steps. It was really cool. We went to some bar – this European community centre – and watched football during the World Cup.

“They came and saw both shows. They took me, Ed and Phil to see some gaming/Dungeons and Dragons thing in the park (that would be the weekly, theatrically recreated battle scenes that take place during the summer, just up from the tam-tams on Mount Royal), then we walked to the top of the hill and looked down across Montreal with them.

“We talked to Régine and Win about life and touring. It was really cool. It relates to what I said earlier, about how it’s important to be in one place and space. It would be mad, otherwise – if you didn’t connect to the places where you were touring.”

I don’t know about you but I would have loved to hang out with this little group!

Thx to AtEase for the scoop…