Archive for September, 2008

First Aid Kit

I came across a video today of a band from Sweden called First Aid Kit.  They are singing a cover of Tiger Mountain Peasant Song by Fleet Foxes.  With such amazing voices I can’t wait to see where these two go in the world of music!

(h/t to Shameless for the link!)

Don’t Diss David.

Apparently McCain was scheduled to be on Letterman last night but he cancelled and ended up in an interview with Katie Couric.  Letterman had a few entertaining thoughts on this…

UPDATE:  Check out the ongoing saga on the Late Show over here!

Lego + Star Wars = Super Geek

This definitely took a great deal of work!!  And even though it is SUPER geeky it is also very impressive.  Click the photo to see the entire series of photos and try to find the famous robot from a recent animated film!

(h/t to Karnatos for the link!)

The Acorn & Ohbijou

The Acorn & Ohbijou are releasing an EP together!  The album will be out on October 7th and can be pre-ordered from the Kelp Records store.

You can stream it right from Kelp Records and they even allow you to download the song Steep from the album.

Check them out live in a city near you!

Reckoner Remixes

Check out this page for mixes of Radiohead’s Reckoner.

Radiohead are hosting another competition.  This time Reckoner is the subject and everyone is invited to get involved.  The Julianna Barwick version is beautiful!

I’ve obtained the stems from iTunes and with the help of GarageBand will give this remixing thing a shot.  If it’s not terrible I’ll blog about it.  Otherwise we shall never speak of it again!

Chrome and Geeks

In case you missed the announcement, Google has recently released an internet browser called Chrome.  It is currently available for Windows and is in development for Mac.

For the geeky and informative scoop on this new browser check out the comic book created by Scott McCloud.

More Google fun can be found on Google Pirate… this language style was created in honour of Talk Like a Pirate Day which was this past Friday.  You can actually save this as your language setting if you have a google account.  There are also Elmer Fudd, Hacker, and Klingon language settings.  I think I’ll be using the Bork! Bork! Bork! setting!

Tina Fey is Fabulous

Tina Fey won an Emmy for her performance on 30 Rock!  Check her out in this SNL sketch.

Hopefully after the American election in November Tina Fey will have no need to portray Sarah Palin.

Do you know That Guy?

An entertaining read for any of us who’ve met or even dated That Guy.

Land Development vs. Science and History

There is a beautiful observatory just north of Toronto, Ontario that is being threatened.  The land could potentially be sold to developers which would result in the observatory being closed up and torn down.

Please sign the petition to protect this landmark. It is a beautiful old building on beautiful land which is not only a home for science but it is also a home for wildlife.  The observatory it self is still in use and it would be a shame to lose this battle.

Blood, you got it. They need it.

It’s pretty simple.  There are people in the hospital this very second who would die if there was no blood available.  Accident victims need your blood.  People with cancer and other diseases need your blood.

You may be afraid of needles but these people are enduring painful medical procedures.  They are in need and you can help.

If you’re in Canada contact the Canadian Blood Services for a donor clinic near you.

If you’re somewhere else you should be able to google “blood donation” and the name of your city.

You can even leave a comment here with your location and I’ll find the information for you.

If you’re still undecided you can check out Thank You Donor, a Canadian site dedicated to thanking those who have donated (thanks to one of my visitors for the link!!).