Posts Tagged ‘blogger’

I Am Zero Means Zero

Yup. It was me…. or was it you or even you?

Marketing to Bloggers

Great post on marketing to bloggers…

Speaking of marketing if anyone at KitchenAid is looking to have a blogger test out one of their fabulous Professional-600-series-wide-6qt-bowl-lift-beauties they can just drop me a note…


Drum roll please…….

I’ve decided to branch out and create a new blog dedicated to my jewelry designs!

The Blue Sky Design Blog will feature my own creations and eventually will include features on other artisans from here to there and back again!  I will also be posting other items related to my jewelry on that blog including craft shows I plan to attend and contests or sales for my shop on Etsy.

I truly believe in supporting artisans locally and internationally.  These people work hard at their crafts and deserve recognition for it.  I hope I can accomplish that with my new blogging efforts.

Although I love my WordPress blog there are some policies here that limit my ability to promote my work so the new blog will be hosted on Blogger.  I will continue to post here on Ranting & Raving since it has become a great place to spread rumours and generally blather on about stuff I like.

Please continue to visit and comment here and at my new blog.  I always love to hear what you’re thinking!

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