Posts Tagged ‘vote’


The American election is today!  I hope all of you have voted already or are on your way to the polls now!!  Bring a book, wear comfy shoes, bring some tunes or those little portable video games, bring some water, maybe a snack.  Just make sure you’re prepared to stand in line!  Don’t forget to pee first! 

Your vote matters.  The rest of the world is counting on you!!

Vote for my Cupcakes!!

I have entered my peach, cinnamon, and mascarpone cupcakes into a contest!  I would love to win all of their lovely prizes so if you would take a minute to head to this site and vote for my cupcake “Let Them Eat Cake I would very much appreciate it.

These cupcakes are cinnamon cupcakes with fresh, cinnamon dusted peach slices placed gently in the batter before baking.  They are topped off with a silky mascarpone buttercream icing.

I hope you’ll vote for me!!

Vote for Let Them Eat Cake!

UPDATE:  Well, I didn’t win the contest but I did alright for my first online baking competition. 🙂  I came in 28th out of 58 entries so I’m happy. 🙂  Thanks to those who voted!

Vote!!! eh?!?

Today is the day Canada!! Time to VOTE! 

If you need info check out the Elections Canada website.