Archive for the ‘Crafty’ Category

Drum roll please…….

I’ve decided to branch out and create a new blog dedicated to my jewelry designs!

The Blue Sky Design Blog will feature my own creations and eventually will include features on other artisans from here to there and back again!  I will also be posting other items related to my jewelry on that blog including craft shows I plan to attend and contests or sales for my shop on Etsy.

I truly believe in supporting artisans locally and internationally.  These people work hard at their crafts and deserve recognition for it.  I hope I can accomplish that with my new blogging efforts.

Although I love my WordPress blog there are some policies here that limit my ability to promote my work so the new blog will be hosted on Blogger.  I will continue to post here on Ranting & Raving since it has become a great place to spread rumours and generally blather on about stuff I like.

Please continue to visit and comment here and at my new blog.  I always love to hear what you’re thinking!

BSD Logo Square

More Etsy Goodness

I’ve added a few more items to my Etsy shop!

Please have a look and let me know what you think!

moss agate

black & white

I’m an Etsy Geek!

I finally did it! I set up my Etsy page!

For those of you who are not familiar with Etsy it is a craft geek’s paradise! It is the craft equivalent to Ebay.

I have been making beaded jewelry for about 12 years and it went from an occasional occurrence to an addiction. I have primarily sold pieces to friends, family, and coworkers. Finally I am branching out and hope to be successful in obtaining some online sales. I would love to dedicate more of my time to my jewelry in the future and I’m hoping this will be the start of it.

My shop is called Blue Sky Designs. I currently have one multi-strand necklace available for sale and will post more items once I have batteries for my camera.

I will definitely post here any time I add more jewelry to my shop so please keep an eye out for new items!

Blue Sky Designs

As a side note I created the lovely banner above in a program called Skitch using a photo I took in southern Ontario!

Etsy… a crafter’s paradise.

Have you heard of Etsy?? Okay… so I’m probably a little late to the game since there are so freaking many people on that site already but I didn’t know about it until this past fall. Since I didn’t know about it I thought I’d share it with all of my lovely and wonderful visitors (ahem… that would be you).

Etsy is a fabulous spot to buy/sell craft items. It is a giant craft show for geeks!! Instead of stalls in some large auditorium or a store with crappy parking you can sit in the comfort of your own home and browse the thousands (and even tens of thousands?) of crafty items!

The interface is well organized and creative which means that it is fun to browse the individual shops. You can look for specific items; things like handbags, or jewelry. You can even browse recently listed items in a floating-rotating-photo list in their time machine!

I will be adding my own shop on Etsy eventually. I have crafted items ready to sell and a lot more in my brain screaming to be created. As soon as I get my act together I will harass you with photos of my crafts and links to my Etsy location.