Archive for the ‘Geeking Out’ Category

Science + Cookies = Awesome

These cookies are fabulous!!!

Social Media Freebies!!

I’m drooling over this huge collection of free social media icons!!  The hard part is making a choice!

h/t @HowToMakeMyBlog

Soooooo cool…

You just need to check this tool out. Just start clicking in various squares to see what tunes you can come up with!

Got Cupcakes?

Capital Cupcake Camp

On March 29th, 2009 Canada’s capital will have their very first CupcakeCamp!

What is CupcakeCamp you ask?

CupcakeCamp is an opportunity for our community to come together and share their enthusiasm for cupcakes with all proceeds going to Ottawa’s Women Alive/Femme Active Program! Everyone who brings cupcakes will have the opportunity to brag about their creations which will be presented to the Tasters for a cupcake tasting frenzy!

You can get involved!

Capital CupcakeCamp is looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Setup
  • Baker Registration (all those cupcakes have to come from somewhere)
  • Taster Registration (all those cupcakes have to go somewhere)
  • Greeting and Hosting (making sure our guests are comfortable)
    Cupcake Showcasing (making sure our cupcakes are comfortable)
  • Take down
  • and probably a few other things, too.

Come out, have fun, and help make our first event an overwhelming success!

Stay in touch with Capital CupcakeCamp:


Subscribe to our blog feed!

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Facebook Event!

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Facebook Group!

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Share your Flickr photos with us!

Bookmark us on Delicious!

Stumble Upon us!

I’d like you to meet someone…

This is my brand new Ibanez acoustic guitar. This beauty has an high gloss cherry burst finish and is built with sycamore, maple, mahogany, and rosewood. Built in tuner and pickup to make it all high tech!

She needs a name, feel free to make suggestions!


This one time at Bandcamp…

Once upon a time I went to bandcamp.  I was a flute player back in those days but I don’t play and tell. is a cool new site for bands to upload and distribute their tunes in high quality formats, including MP3, FLAC, and Apple Lossless!

Bands have the option to set a price, make downloads free or even use the Pay-What-You-Want method (thank you Radiohead!).   Payments are made through the already secure and well known PayPal.  The interface is simple and easy for music fans to use which always results in more sales.   Once fans start listening to the streaming music and downloading songs or albums the bands will have access to some great stats.  Music on Bandcamp is also easy to find… I Googled a song and their Bandcamp page was the very first link!

For music geeks far and wide Bandcamp is the perfect new method to share the bands we love with everyone else!!  I can easily share a track or album through Facebook, e-mail, MySpace, Twitter, LiveJournal, TypePad, Blogger, and even the lovely WordPress:

Ahhh… happiness is music sharing…

Marketing to Bloggers

Great post on marketing to bloggers…

Speaking of marketing if anyone at KitchenAid is looking to have a blogger test out one of their fabulous Professional-600-series-wide-6qt-bowl-lift-beauties they can just drop me a note…


Lego + Star Wars = Super Geek

This definitely took a great deal of work!!  And even though it is SUPER geeky it is also very impressive.  Click the photo to see the entire series of photos and try to find the famous robot from a recent animated film!

(h/t to Karnatos for the link!)

Chrome and Geeks

In case you missed the announcement, Google has recently released an internet browser called Chrome.  It is currently available for Windows and is in development for Mac.

For the geeky and informative scoop on this new browser check out the comic book created by Scott McCloud.

More Google fun can be found on Google Pirate… this language style was created in honour of Talk Like a Pirate Day which was this past Friday.  You can actually save this as your language setting if you have a google account.  There are also Elmer Fudd, Hacker, and Klingon language settings.  I think I’ll be using the Bork! Bork! Bork! setting!

Sticky Fingers

WordPress has introduced a new feature called Sticky Posts!

This cool feature allows bloggers the ability to stick a post to the front page of their blog. Once set as a sticky post it will not get bumped down the page by more recent posts.  If the user removes the sticky post setting the post will be popped back to its place in chronological order.  It’s like having a giant post-it note on your blog.

And since it is a brand new feature and I’m a big geek I’ll be testing it out with my next post…