Posts Tagged ‘blog’


If you have been pregnant or have a child or are a mom in any way you should check out this well written post:

Social Media Freebies!!

I’m drooling over this huge collection of free social media icons!!  The hard part is making a choice!

h/t @HowToMakeMyBlog

Marketing to Bloggers

Great post on marketing to bloggers…

Speaking of marketing if anyone at KitchenAid is looking to have a blogger test out one of their fabulous Professional-600-series-wide-6qt-bowl-lift-beauties they can just drop me a note…


Sticky Fingers

WordPress has introduced a new feature called Sticky Posts!

This cool feature allows bloggers the ability to stick a post to the front page of their blog. Once set as a sticky post it will not get bumped down the page by more recent posts.  If the user removes the sticky post setting the post will be popped back to its place in chronological order.  It’s like having a giant post-it note on your blog.

And since it is a brand new feature and I’m a big geek I’ll be testing it out with my next post…

Blogging from your Mac Dashboard!

With a funky little tool called WordPressDash I can now post blog entries straight from my dashboard! It includes Category support. Perhaps a future version will include Tag support?

Once you’ve installed the widget you need your XML-RPC url… thanks to another blogger I seem to have gotten this working pretty quickly. Now to press Publish…


Wow!  I reached 5000 hits today!!!  Thanks to all of my visitors especially my regulars!

3000 and counting!

Hurray! I reached 3000 visitors today! Thanks for coming out!

Stay tuned for more baked goods and music news! 😀

Thanks for visiting!

2001 Space Odyssey

Wow… 2001 hits as of today!

I had 500 hits at the beginning of February so this jump to the 2k mark is very exciting!

Thanks to all of my visitors… I hope more of you will start commenting while you are here!

If only I could get the many musicians I adore to start coming by!


Drum roll please…….

I’ve decided to branch out and create a new blog dedicated to my jewelry designs!

The Blue Sky Design Blog will feature my own creations and eventually will include features on other artisans from here to there and back again!  I will also be posting other items related to my jewelry on that blog including craft shows I plan to attend and contests or sales for my shop on Etsy.

I truly believe in supporting artisans locally and internationally.  These people work hard at their crafts and deserve recognition for it.  I hope I can accomplish that with my new blogging efforts.

Although I love my WordPress blog there are some policies here that limit my ability to promote my work so the new blog will be hosted on Blogger.  I will continue to post here on Ranting & Raving since it has become a great place to spread rumours and generally blather on about stuff I like.

Please continue to visit and comment here and at my new blog.  I always love to hear what you’re thinking!

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